How to save money in light, gas and internet (THERMAL SOCIAL BONUS)

Spanish households can benefit from a new social aid, is the call bono thermal social.

El bono thermal social, It is a state subsidy to be able to fight with the quota that heating the water brings, cook or use heating when energy is not derived from energy.

In this way, The Government has allowed all consumers to benefit from this bonus without affecting whether we use natural gas in our homes, bulk propane or butane canisters.

Unlike the social electricity bonus, the thermal does not have to be requested. Since all consumers who have active the bono energy share, is subsidized from said payment.

According to the royal decree-law, the minimum amount to be received bono thermal per user will be 25 euro and, from there, the amount will be determined by the degree of vulnerability of the user and the climatic zone in which the residence is located. The amount to be received will be made by bank transfer to the beneficiary's account.

For more information:

Thermal bonus –

electric bonus –