Artículo 1.-Objeto y Fundamento de la presente Ordenanza.

– El objeto de esta Ordenanza consiste en la regulación del aprovechamiento y disfrute
de los bienes comunales pertenecientes al Ayuntamiento de Villalcampo en
aplicación de lo dispuesto en los arts. 79 a 83 de la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de
abril, Reguladora de las Bases de Régimen Local y Arts. 94 a 108 del
Reglamento de Bienes de las Corporaciones Locales, aprobado por el Real
Decreto 1372/1986, de 13 de junio, y afectará a los bienes comunales de
aprovechamiento agrícola comunal de este municipio.
El regimen de tales aprovechamientos se viene haciendo conforma a las
normas consuetudinarias, y la presente ordenación obedece a la necesidad
y conveniencia de plasmarlas de forma expresa y pública por un lado y de
manera más clara y definitiva por otro, mediante la aprobación y
publicación de esta Ordenanza, siempre desde el respecto a aquéllas, así
como de dotar a las mismas de una regulación de los aprovechamiento lo
más adecuada y satisfactoria posible, de acuerdo con la normativa general
y sectorial aplicable a todos los aspectos afectados, y de medidas eficaces
para conseguir su eficacia y cumplimiento.
Artículo 2.- Formas de aprovechamiento de los bienes agrícolas

comunales de este municipio.
Se lleva a cabo mediante la adjudicación por lotes o suertes en el caso
de aprovechamientos de tierras de labor y siembra.
El aprovechamiento agrícola de las tierras comunales de este municipio se
realizazará mediante la adjudicación directa de lotes o suertes, de acuerdo
con las costumbres tradicionalmente observadas en el municipio.
a).-Tendrán derecho al aprovechamiento común todos aquellos que
ostenten la condición de vecinos, que sean cabezas de familia, que se
hallen empadronados y residiendo en el municipio.
A estos efectos dichos beneficiarios no perderán su condición por el hecho
de que en un mismo domicilio convivan varias familias o cabezas de

El aprovechamiento agrícola comunal se realizará mediante la
adjudicación directa de lotes o suertes, de acuerdo con las costumbres
tradicionalmente observadas en el municipio, y se referirán a los terrenos
o tierras de labor o siembra, denominadas “tierras del monte”, radicadas
en los pagos “Monte” y “Cotama”, por un lado, y “Cerro” y “Raya”, by
a) Determinación de los lotes, número de los mismos, y reserva de lotes.-
Corresponde al Ayuntamiento Pleno la determinación de tales extremos,
pudiendo determinar la agrupación de los existentes para dar lugar a lotes
de superior superficie, bien rompiendo la lindes, bien conservándolas.
To these effects , atenderá al número de solicitantes de cada sorteo, asi
como en su caso a lo manifestando al respecto por aquéllos en el momento
de presentar su solicitud, lo cual, en tal caso, se interesará a través del
Bando de apertura de solicitudes.
En el caso de presentarse nuevos vecinos interesados en las tierras con
posterioridad a la celebración de cada sorteo, aquellos vecinos titulares
actuales que hayan obtenido más tierras, deberán ceder a razon de dos
cada uno hasta cubrir el numero de tierras resultante de las nuevas
necesidades.Dichos nuevos vecinos interesados podrán solicitarlas hasta
final de año en que se hayan cosechado, respetando la hoja de pan.
b) Solicitud de los lotes y formación del padrón de solicitantes.- En el
Otoño del año en que se cumplan los seis años desde el sorteo anterior se
publicará el oportuno Bando a fin de que en el plazo que en el mismo se
indique los interesados puedan presentar su solicitud, indicando el número
de lotes que solicitan en cada pago de cada sorteo.
Finalizado el plazo de solicitudes, y a la vista de los solicitantes y numero
de lotes solicitados, asi como a lo en su caso manifestado por los mismos
respecto de la agrupación de lotes, lindes, etc, el Ayuntamiento
determinará definitivamente los lotes, su formación o no mediante
agrupación de los existentes hasta ahora, el número total de lotes, el
número de lotes que como máximo se podrá adjudicar a cada solicitante, y
el padrón de solicitantes con la cantidad de lotes solicitados y, en su caso,
de los lotes que como máximo le pueden ser adjudicados.
Aprobado el padrón de solicitantes se publicará en el Tablón de Edictos el
oportuno Edicto a efectos de que en el plazo que en el mismo se indique,
los interesados puedan examinarlo, tener conocimiento de las
modificaciones introducidas en el acuerdo de aprobación, efectuar las

reclamaciones, e instar la corrección de errores de que adolezca, sin
perjuicio de las correcciones que proceda realizar de oficio. En caso de
que los interesados no presenten reclamaciones, se entenderá aprobado
definitivamente el citado padrón.
c) Celebración del sorteo.-Aprobado definitivamente el Padrón de
solicitantes, o elevado a definitivo en caso de no presentarse
reclamaciones, se procederá a realizar los trabajos y gestiones para
celebrar el sorteo; to these effects, determinado finalmente el número de
lotes objeto de sorteo en cada pago de cada sorteo, por personal
encargado al efecto por el Ayuntamiento, se procederá a la numeración
física de los lotes.
Finalizados dichos trabajos, se anunciará mediante el oportuno Edicto la
fecha, hora y lugar de celebración del sorteo, al cual serán convocados los
solicitantes, siendo conveniente su asistencia, salvo causa que lo impida,
en cuyo caso se les adjudicarán los números que le correspondan en suerte
sin que puedan reclamar por tal motivo.
Realizado el sorteo, se anotará en la lista de solicitantes conteniendo la
amount of each payment lots that have requested or been assigned, the
lot numbers that have been his lot, It will be approved by the
City Hall and exposed to the public for seven days for the purpose of
examination, claims and error correction, announcing and
through timely Bando, that its elevation mean to final
if formulated; in case of previous claims to the publication
the final standard will be necessary agreement or resolution of approval
In the same period indicated above who are not interested in
land that has been his lot and decide to leave, must
communicated in writing to the City, Failure to do so will be applied
the provisions of this ordinance should not cultivation or assignment to
finally adopted the list of beneficiaries with numbers
lots that have been his lot in each draw payment in question,
it published copy of it on the Bulletin Board
Changes resulting from drawing lots, They shall be communicated by
written by the owners of the lots awarded.

The duration of use shall be six years,
both one and the other sorteo.En result will be two draws to
realizar, and its celebration is always every six years, although having
object lands "Monte" and "Cotama", It is held in conjunction

always in odd year, and the land of the "Hill" and "Stripes", se
always carried the following year, so it will be held in even years.
a) The specific regulation of this use is determined
by custom traditionally observed in the municipality. So
It corresponds to the Council the realization and interpretation of that
as well as regulation of this ordinance manifested.
The powers above listed shall be exercised with respect in any case
the uses and customs traditionally observed in the municipality, and in
particularly with regard to the use and form of this.
b) Successful bidders have the right and duty to devote to farming
agricultural lots that have touched you in harnessing suerte.El
grasses existing or occurring thereon corresponds to
common neighbors in terms of the custom observed
traditionally in the municipality and the sectoral laws.
c) Obligations and prohibitions.-
1º.- Successful bidders are required to cultivate the lots placed him
Luck played, uncultivated can not have them or cultivate other
2º.- lease or batch transfer to third parties is prohibited, whether or not
awardees of other lots comunales.Asi same barter is prohibited
Batch among awardees, without prior municipal authorization.
3It º.-plowing of existing boundaries prohibited between batches, being
forced the contractor to maintenance, repair, conservación y
4º.- We should make the use of the most appropriate way and
provided possible, through care and agricultural techniques
usually employed in rural areas, so that not deteriorate the
5º.-Those who are not interested in the lands that have been his lot
and decide to leave, They shall notify in writing within
exposure resulting provisional list of winners of the draw.
Failure to do so well and not they give way to cultivate or third were
shall apply the provisions to this effect in the present ordinance.
5º.-Successful bidders are required to pay the annual fee approved
by the Plenary Council (3 Euro land of ancient, more CPI

d) Succession in the derecho.-In case of death of the beneficiary or
rightholder, the existing spouse or child to be established in
householders, will continue to use the lot under the same conditions
the holder, as has that status
A) Infracciones. They are offenses for the purposes of this Ordinance
si-lowing the willful or culpable actions or omissions contravening
this ordering:
1ª.- Not grow lots that have touched you in luck or cultivate other
2ª.- Lease or perform any other form of transfer batch or
fail-ing to third parties, whether or not awardees of other lots
community, as well as exchange lots between awardees, without authorization
3ª.-Carry out the clearing of existing boundaries between batches, or not
perform proper maintenance, repair, conservación y
consolidation thereof.
4ª.-Grow lots or make its use, etc, breach of the
duty to realize the most appropriate way possible and provided,
through care and agricultural techniques commonly employed in the
rural environment, so that the ground deteriorate.
5ª.-Occupy land, even temporarily, by deposit
of materials, debris, I etc.o acts or facilities
prejudice or limitation or unused and communal use
authorization or in breach of the conditions set out in
authorization granted in his case.
6ª.-not make the payment of the annual quota approved.
B) Impose sanctions and graduation.
For any of the offenses listed in point A) precedente, se
impose a penalty of 150 euros. (plus the annual CPI)
2.-In case of recidivism the fines will be doubled.
C) Sancionador.-procedure shall apply the procedure
governed by Decree 189/1994, de 25 of August, Procedure
sanctioning Administration
Community of Castilla and Leon, in accordance with the provisions of
the law 30/92, Legal Regime of Public Administrations and
Common Administrative Procedure.
D).-Other measures to be adopted.

a) To implement measures which may prove necessary for the
execution and fulfillment of the obligations and prohibitions contained
in this ordinance, under coercive powers apply to
procedure laid down in Articles 120 a 135, both included, del
Goods Regulations Local Authorities, and according to
provided for the purpose in the Law 30/92, Legal Regimen of
Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.
b) In case of non-payment of the annual fee will proceed via its collection by
distraint as other income or municipal public resources.
The violation of this ordinance and the dictates sides and
approved by the Mayor, Liability may arise and
patrimonial, also subject to criminal liability
correspondiente, in particular for damages both goods
and beneficiaries. For this purpose the determination of the same
It may be made by mutual agreement between the city and the offender, o
failing agreement, expert or technician designated for the purpose by the
Ayuntamiento, in which case the costs will be required to

4.1.-General Administration of goods:
Communal exploitation schemes contained in this
Ordinance, they are subject to the rules governing the repopulation
forest, exploitations hunting, the demarcation process,
Claim and defense of property, for which purpose it must be had to the
provided for in Regulation Real of local authorities and the
specific legislation for each type of use.
4.2. temporary occupation of communal land.
the temporary occupation of communal land will not be allowed to
deposit materials, debris, Farm products, without authorization
expresses the City, que, in the area of ​​competence,
determine the origin of the occupation, the conditions, the closing date and
payment of occupancy rights.
In case of breach of the provisions of this section, will be able
apply sanctions that purpose come .
4.3. Eviction by administrative.
The extinction of the rights constituted on communal property in
application of the provisions of this Ordinance, especially,

when occupied land must be returned in regime
use the City, It shall be made by administrative,
by exercising coercive powers, or without prior compensation
she, accordance with the procedure set out in articles with. 120 a 135, both of them
inclusive, Regulation of Real delas Local Authorities.
4.4. Regime for adopting agreements.
All agreements made regarding the Regime
Use of Communal Lands be taken by majority
4.5. Consigned to the regulation of Goods.
For matters not provided in this Ordinance shall be subject to the provisions in the
Real regulation of local authorities and other provisions
concordant local level, without prejudice to the specific regulation
established for each type of use.
Not applicable Act tenancies.
4.6.-Collection of sanctions and other financial liabilities.-
For collection of sanctions and other financial liabilities
It will be prevented to the current General Regulations
Final disposition.- Effective date of this ordinance.
This Ordinance shall enter into force and will start once applied
the expiry of 15 business days following the publication of
full text in the Official Gazette of the province. Its validity is
maintained while its repeal is not agreed.
Villalcampo, a 28 December 2012,